Why Travel With Children?

July 5, 2015

Today, we ask ourselves: Why travel long term with kids?

The answers are endless, and I am sure we might be missing some essential purpose at the core of it all, but here goes…

~ the opportunity to share experiences as a family.
~ to show our kids how differently people live their lives – culture, food, religion, language and economics (specifically to have a deeper understanding and compassion about poverty).
~ learn spanish, in addition to any other key foreign words/phrases.
~ to have devoted family time without treadmill chaos.
~ if not now, when? I have to do this before I die, and before our children fly the coop.
~ we want the experience of traveling with our kids and seeing the world through their eyes.
~ we want to teach them our passion – travel.
~ we hope to deepen their compassion & understanding of our world.
~ we hope to teach them confidence, independence and self sufficiency.
~ Dan wants his happy wife back! I wish this were all jokes, but what a kernel of truth. I know how happy I am in the moment of exploration, and the grind of work, nights of cooking, kid’s homework, and cleaning have been chipping away at my ability to enjoy the mundane.
~ speaking of that happy wife – I want to feel awe, inspiration and gratitude everyday.
~ to live a simple life with little possessions.

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  • Reply Fab August 28, 2015 at 12:51 pm

    Same here Sarah. How much I share this with you… We are just back from Turkey and we had a blast! Also travelling with children opens doors. In Turkey they love children and soccer (stefan’s passion) through him we met and shared with a lot more people than we would have just the two of us.
    How I envy you! Have fun and remember I will meet you in April 2017 somewhere…
    Big bizzz

    • Reply Sarah August 28, 2015 at 1:48 pm

      That is great to hear Fab. It is good to be reminded of all the positive changes to travel that occur with kids. We focus too often on the things we can’t do – drinking and dancing all night, vs. the doors to new friendships and experiences that will open BECAUSE of our children.

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