I have the best intentions, but life tends to get in the way. The truth is, I’ve been living it up in Granada, finding my niche in an old barrio in a historic city. We all have busy social schedules, between school, work, running a household, and friends a’plenty; but the main reason I have neglected my blog, is my book. It never made sense to take away precious hours from the seventh draft of a monster manuscript, to write about Spain. My head was entrenched in the Seychelles, the location for my story. I wish I could say that the book was finished, but the process of writing something that does not make me want to cringe, seems never-ending. I have placed my baby in the hands of another reader, and have vowed to give myself space away from that fictional world. So, here I am, trying to ease back into my blog, without it feeling like an obligation or a chore. We will see how long that lasts…
In the meanwhile, here are some of my favorite picks from Granada, ever since moving here on August 16. It was the best decision we made.
Again, stunning pictures of a place that looks at times you are back in the 17-1800’s to more modern times. Stella and Gabriel look like they have found their way to making many friends and having a wonderful time. You always catch the essence of the places you are in. You make me wish we were 20 years younger with the ability to immerse ourselves in a culture that is foreign to us. God bless you all and remember how much you are loved back here in the states!
Merci Sarah, I was excited to read your blog, it had been too long. We live through your adventures!
Are the children getting the hang of the spanish language? Are your friends expats or spanish?
The photos are beautiful you have us dreaming….
Bizzzz to the fam
Hello Fabienne! “Poco a poco” as far as language goes. The kids are immersed in Spanish all day, so I trust they will be more fluent than Dan and I in no time – Gabriel especially. There is a big expat scene here, so we speak more English than we should. We are making friends with Spaniards, but even they speak better English that we speak Spanish! I belong to a Spanish book club and just started flamenco class, so any opportunity to converse in the local language is being grabbed. I hope you and Mick can visit us on your next trip to Europe 🙂
Thank you Sarah for bringing us back to such a beautiful city. Knowing that you and the family are experiencing and loving your new home makes us very happy and proud. We are so looking forward to our next visit!
Love all, Grammy and Poppy.
Wonderful photos dear Sarah. What a jewel of a city, almost unreal, with a fairy tale quality of enchantment. In all of my trips there the magic has never failed; on the contrary, it increases with each visit. I always thought the light in the place is like no other: crisp and sharp, luminous, resplendent and blinding; a light that takes over you to shake you whole, with eyes wide open to a city that is art itself.
Yeah, Spain has many places that make you glad to be alive, knowing that your feet are planted on soil with thousands of years of history, with a natural and man made beauty of a quiet intensity. Shame and pity for those who have chosen to ignore it: they don’t know what they are missing. You, on the other hand, have always known how to choose wisely.
Your photos bring back memories and expose a whole new point of view. It is a magical place.
Hola! I wish I had received your information earlier. Stephanie Cranley sent me your info but a bit too late. We are a family from Portland and have a 9 year old at Llewellyn and just returned from 3 weeks in Spain, starting in Arcos de la Frontera, 4 nights in Granada, 3 in Cordoba and then onto Barcelona and the Costa Brava. Granada stole our hearts and left us profoundly moved. I don’t think I have ever cried so many times in a place so struck by the quiet beauty, history and life of a place. We hope so much to come back. We attended the last Granada soccer game of the season and spent 2 full days wandering and resting in the gardens of the Alhambra and a morning of quiet at the mosque near the mirador. I wish we had been able to connect with you as a family while we are there…maybe you will still be there when we return or if you are in Portland we ca meet someday! Enjoy your beautiful adopted city! Naomi